To start things off, I'll give the definitions of a micro and macro cycle. A micro cycle can be thought of as the day to day structure of a workout routine. For example, the workout regimen I am following right now implements a seven day micro cycle with the following structure:
- Day 1: Back
- Day 2: Chest
- Day 3: Biceps
- Day 4: Triceps
- Day 5: Shoulders
- Day 6: Rest
- Day 7: Rest
- Day 1: Pull
- Day 2: Rest
- Day 3: Lower Body
- Day 4: Rest
- Day 5: Push
- Day 6: Rest
- Day 7: Rest
A macro cycle is essentially a series of micro cycles performed back to back (my current routine uses six micro cycles) with an additional period (usually lasting from half a week to a week) of rest added to the end.
There are two main reasons why I follow such a structure for my workout routines:
- I like organization in my workouts and this is easier for me to set goals for myself.
- I want to steadily increase my strength throughout my lifetime, minimizing the consequences of overtraining and plateaus.
Speaking of overtraining, the built-in rest period in each macro cycle is used as a preventative method to minimize the effects of overtraining. I know that sometimes it is hard to get into the mentality that working out too much will hinder muscle growth (this was especially prevalent when I just started to workout...sometimes I would go months without taking a break or perform too many exercises during a workout session), but keep in mind that if adequate rest is not supplied to the body, muscle growth will stop. I emphasize adequate recovery time that my micro cycles usually include one or two days of rest.
In summary, macro and micro cycles are tools of organization that I use to help track and analyze my progress as well as look for signs of overtraining.
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